Category Archives: News

Tips for Yardwork and Gardening

Summer is in full swing now and with this warm weather comes continued yard work and gardening that will lead...

If the Shoe Fits

All too often the topic of footwear comes up in our clinic, even if the person isn’t there for a...

Exercise and Arthritis

Exercise and arthritis can and should coexist. Now, if you’re one of the estimated 54 million that live with arthritis,...

Sitting is the new Smoking

If you haven’t heard this phrase before then please read on because the gravity of the situation is real. Sitting...

Proper Hydration

Summer is finally here, and with summer comes the hot weather. For those who spend time outside during this time...

Plantar Fasciitis

One of the most common causes of foot and heel pain is plantar fasciitis. It’s an inflammatory condition involving the...

Couch to 5k

Spring has sprung and the nice weather has arrived. What better way to enjoy it than to set a goal...

Golfer’s Elbow

Medial epicondylitis, also known as golfer’s or thrower’s elbow, is an overuse injury of the tendons located on the inside...