Work Conditioning

Work conditioning is a rigorous conditioning program designed to help patients regain their systemic, neurological, cardiopulmonary, and musculoskeletal functions. This includes strength, mobility, power, endurance, job simulation, motor control and functional abilities. Work conditioning provides a middle step in the process of returning to work. The goals of a work conditioning program are to restore the patient’s physical capacity and functional abilities, to prevent the recurrence of the same injury, and to decrease their fear of returning to work. The program is several sessions per week and several hours per session. A high percentage of those entering work conditioning return to work (RTW) with full duties.


Phone: (908) 328-3300
Fax: (908) 328-3268


65 Shenandoah Avenue
Daleville, VA 24083

Phone: (908) 835-8533
Fax: (908) 835-8522